Sunday, May 15, 2011

Japan Art Show

come and support for Japan

म्य्स्टिक Mystic Animals

Mystic Animals is a vision from a dream world translated to send messages from the viewers of the Earth specifically Human beings , it compose of different stories
from different sections about the history and the future of the sacred animals who roam and lived this planet,

from the deep sea to the heat of the dessert through the dark caves inside the mountains reaching the massive infinite sky

these are the Mystic Animals we often forgot to give respect and recognize
as we keep evolving in our technology ,electronics and architecture
we become more selfish of this planet and forgot to live in harmony with these animals

Materialism has changed us drastically for better and worst
and as we keep on living blindly letting the leaders of the world play their
games on us for their own selfish profit

then it wont be a surprise to see the future where electronics and computers will destroy and replace sacred living life which is a gift that we posses since birth

Mystic Animals are reminding us that NOW is the time to reconnect in harmony to all living life as ONE